Products that increase potency

Potency of fruit and vegetable juices

We all know that the food we eat every day affects all the organs and systems in our body, including the sex organs. As a result, some products do not affect the intensity of libido in any way, while others do the opposite, causing libido to literally "pop".

So by correcting your diet, you can increase your potency and improve your sex life. What these products are and how to eat them right can make sex rocky and enjoyable for both parties, we'll consider in today's article.

Sweets and Potency

It turns out that sweets can be a potency-enhancing assistant. The most useful sweets are: honey, walnuts, peanuts and hazelnuts. Well, if you mix nuts with honey, you can get a wonderful deliciousness for added potency. You only need to eat 1 tablespoon of this delicacy a day, preferably 3-4 hours before bedtime. If you don't like walnuts, you can also boil honey with plums, sesame seeds, and peeled seeds.

Everyone knows that meat is great for men. After all, it is meat that keeps increasing the strength of a man. However, eating only meat is of course too expensive and unhealthy. So vegetables will help diversify the menu. Garnish with mushrooms, carrots, onions, radishes, sauerkraut and carrots.

Mackerel and flounder are also great for potency. Seafood is a treasure trove of libido-boosting vitamins and minerals.

As for herbs and seasonings, try to add them to your dishes: dill, parsley, cumin, celery, tarragon, mint, and especially paprika.

Dairy products are also good for potency, so healthy people should include yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, and sour cream in their daily diet.

Protein foods are the key to good potency

Onions and garlic are potency's best friends. It can be used as part of various dishes or on its own. As for garlic, try to add as much to various dishes as possible, or eat a clove of garlic every day.

With products that increase libido and enhance male potency, we figured it out. Now let's talk about foods that are not recommended.

Energy drinks, sodas, and foods high in carbohydrates are very detrimental to potency. Pasta, potatoes, Coca-Cola - all these dishes are completely useless for male potency.

White bread and flour products are also bad for male strength. The most useful bread is rye bread or wheat bran bread because it contains B vitamins, which are necessary for stable erections.

Sausages, salami, and salami contain high amounts of preservatives and therefore cannot be classified as meat. Dishes with these products do nothing for men.

As for the correct preparation of dishes, from product to increase potency, the following nuances should be considered:

  • try to cook food with minimal loss of valuable nutrients - boil or stew;
  • Dress green salad with lemon juice or mixed herbs;
  • Don't use mayonnaise, ketchup, and tomato sauce as seasonings for dishes.

Useful before "Love Night": shrimp, peanuts, honey and some champagne!